Latest Sermon
Rev. Chris Warren
Perhaps you’ve been looking for a church where you are accepted, loved, and welcomed in Murfreesboro but haven’t found that perfect fit. At First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro, you’ll find a church with traditional liturgy and hymns who will love, care, and welcome you no matter who you are and no matter what your background.
We believe that all who choose, who repent, who follow Christ, may be saved – and no other verse of scripture represents our Church more than John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believed in him would have eternal life.
We believe that as part of the body of Christ we are to “Share Christ with the World and invite the World to Christ!” We believe that we should “go deep into the Word and go widely into the World.”
We would love to be a part of your spiritual journey and invite you to share with us in ministry to the community for the glory of God.
Serving others is a vital part of a church that is alive and growing. Start by doing what is necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Each of us can be a part of doing the impossible!
If you missed a weekly sermon, or just want to hear some of what we share each week at First Cumberland Presbyterian
Note: Thanks to the current global pandemic, many of our events are subject to change.
9:45 Sunday School
10:55 Worship
6-8pm Youth Group Meeting*
6:00 Bible Study*
7:00 Music Rehearsals
*During School Year Only