Adult Ministries
The aim of our Church School program is to teach and to learn more about God's teachings
Attending a Sunday School class provides an unequaled opportunity to do that and allows us to develop and nurture relationships with fellow Christians.
All of our classes offer a time of study on Sunday morning and the opportunity to come together for special events. You are welcome to any class regardless of your age!
The Fidelis Sunday School Class meets in the parlor of the church on the first floor of the educational building. The ages of members of the class range from 50 upward. Lessons are taken from the Encounter quarterly of the Standard Sunday School lessons. Teaching is spread among four class members and class participation is highly encouraged.
The Fidelis class sponsors a morning fellowship prior to class on Sunday morning to which all are invited. Other activities inlcude preparation of meals for the Room In the Inn and an annual Christmas party at the home of a class member.

Whosoever Will
The Whosoever Will Sunday School Class meets in Room 200. This class of all ages of adults is dedicated to an in depth study of the Bible, enabling learning and understanding of biblical truths for application in todays’ world. We are named after the Cumberland Presbyterian motto that “Whosoever will may come!” and it’s taught by Pastor Chris.